The City Attorney is appointed by the commission and is the city's chief legal officer. The Office of the City Attorney provides legal counsel and representation to the City Commission, city boards and committees, the City Clerk and City Manager, as well as city departments and agencies.
The City Attorney's Office represents the city in all litigation matters affecting the city and constitutional challenges to the City Charter and Codes. The City Attorney's Office is also responsible for investigating and handling all claims served on the city. The office drafts city contracts, ordinances, resolutions, and the various legal documents required by the Charter, Code, or City Commission, such as restrictive covenants and liens.
Legal Advice
Please note that because the City Attorney's Office represents and advises the City of Coral Gables, the City Attorney's Office cannot provide legal advice or recommend an attorney to anyone. Moreover, the content on this site is offered only as a public service and does not constitute solicitation or provision of legal advice. As such, this site should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed or authorized to practice in your jurisdiction.

External Pages & Research Material
Coral Gables' codes and judicial links
External Pages & Research Material
Legal Forms & Resources
Legal forms and resources to assist property owners in securing City Approvals
Legal Forms & ResourcesWho we are

Cristina M. Suárez
City Attorney · City Attorney's Office

Stephanie M. Throckmorton
Deputy City Attorney · City Attorney's Office

Gustavo J. Ceballos
Assistant City Attorney & City Prosecutor · City Attorney's Office

Clifford Friedman
Assistant City Attorney · City Attorney's Office