The Coral Gables Police Department is a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accredited agency. Our police department has been recognized as a model of excellence in the delivery of local law enforcement services.
It is responsible for the protection of life and property, providing a comprehensive range of law enforcement services and crime prevention programs. The police department is composed of the Office of the Chief of Police, three operational divisions, and two support services divisions. Our force is comprised of 191 sworn police officers.
- Request Police Records
- FDLE Florida Sexual Offenders and Predators Search
- Citizen Crime Map Resource
- Residential, Commercial, and Fire Alarm Registration
- Direct Connect
- Quick Response Burglary Prevention Flyer [PDF]
- 7 Signs of Terrorism.docx.pdf
- Victims' Legal Rights and Remedies Brochure [PDF]
- Victims' Legal Rights and Remedies Brochure - Spanish [PDF]
- Domestic Violence Victim Rights Remedies (ENGLISH)
- Domestic Violence Victim Rights Remedies (SPANISH)
- CGPD Marsy's Law Pamphlet English.pdf
- CGPD Marsy's Law Pamphlet Spanish.pdf
Uniform Patrol Division
This division is responsible for Patrol, the Field Training Program, K-9 Unit, Honor Guard, and Crisis Management Team (SWAT Team and Crisis Negotiations Unit).
Contact: uniformpatroldiv@coralgables.com
Specialized Enforcement Division
This division is responsible for Crash Investigations/Traffic Homicide Unit, Traffic Enforcement Unit (Motorcycles), Marine Patrol Unit, Bicycle Patrol Unit, and Mounted Patrol Unit.
Technical Services Division
This division is responsible for Communications Section (911), Property and Evidence Section, Records Management and Technology Section, and the Radio Shop Section.
Contact: technicalservicesdiv@coralgables.com
Criminal Investigations Division
This division is responsible for the Special Investigations Section and the Criminal Investigations Section.
Professional Standards Division
This division is responsible for the Training Section, Personnel Selection Section, Planning and Research Section, Accreditation Section and Fiscal Affairs Section.
Who we are

Edward James Hudak, Jr.
Police Chief · Police Department