Development Review Process Handbook

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Development Review Process Handbook [PDF]

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Purpose and Intent

This “Development Review Process Handbook” provides a summary of the City of Coral Gables Planning and Zoning Division development review processes and other administrative functions.  This Handbook is intended to provide the public and development community a better understanding of the Planning Division development review processes.  The application requirements provided here are required as referenced by the City’s Zoning Code and include the minimum application requirements.  All application submittal requirements and processing is subject to the discretion of the Planning Director.

This Handbook and all referenced documents are located at the City of Coral Gables web page under “Your Government – Development Services – Planning and Zoning Division.”  The Planning Division Application is available in electronic format for insertion of information on EnerGov.

Types of Applications

The applications referenced below are reviewed by the Planning Division. The Division has developed one application form for all application review processes. This section includes an explanation of each type of application, type of review process required, and estimated time frame to complete the review process. The time frames provided here serve as a guide and are dependent upon timely completion of all other city application review requirements, and receipt of requested information from the applicant.  Refer to the City’s Zoning Code and City Code for specific information on each application.

Abandonment and Vacations

See both the City Code and Zoning Code for requirements. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. Requires filing with Public Works Department per Zoning Code Article 14. Process – Section 14-211. Abandonment and Vacations.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months



This application provides for the annexation of properties located outside the city limits into the City. Applications for changes in land use and zoning designations should also be filed in association with this application. See Zoning Code for requirements and Florida StatutesChapter 171.0413 Annexation Procedures.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 9 to 12 months

Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment

This application is to change the Comprehensive Plan (CP) Future Land Use Map designation for a parcel/parcels of land. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code – Section 14-213. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings), South Florida Regional Planning Council (Large scale), State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (Large scale)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 5 months (Small scale amendment), 9 to 12 months (Large scale amendment)

Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment

This application is to add and/or modify the text of the Comprehensive Plan. See Zoning Code – Section 14-213. Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings), South Florida Regional Planning Council, State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 9 to 12 months


Conditional Use - Public Hearing Review

Uses identified in the Zoning Code that require public hearing review. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code – Section 14-203. Conditional Uses for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings), South Florida Regional Planning Council
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 3 to 5 months

Coral Gables Mediterranean Architectural Design Special Locational Site Plan Review

This application is for properties seeking Coral Gables Mediterranean Architectural bonuses when adjacent to an SFR or MF1 District. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code – Section 5-200. Mediterranean Standards for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (Resolution: 1 hearing), South Florida Regional Planning Council
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 3 to 5 months

Development Agreement

This is an application for a new development agreement or to modify an existing agreement. See Zoning Code – Section 14-217. Development Agreements for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 3 to 5 months

Mixed-Use Site Plan

This application is for an individual mixed-use building or amendment thereof to an existing or individual site plan. See Zoning Code – Conditional Uses. Buildings and structures on building sites of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more, or with street frontage of two hundred (200) feet or more, shall require conditional use review and approval per Section 2-200.D Mixed Use Districts (MX).

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (Resolution: 1 hearing), South Florida Regional Planning Council
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 3 to 5 months

Planned Area Development Designation and Site Plan or Major Amendment

Planned Area Developments (PAD) are intended to provide greater opportunity for quality developments on large parts of land by providing flexible guidelines for development. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code – Section 14-206. General Procedures for Planned Area Development for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

Restrictive Covenants and/or Easements

This is an application for a restrictive covenant and/or easement. See Zoning Code – Section 14-205.3 Declaration of Restrictive Covenant in Lieu of a Unity of Title for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: City Commission (Resolution: 1 hearing; Ordinance: 2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 3 to 5 months

Separation/Establishment of a Building Site

This is the application for conditional use for the separation or establishment of a building site based upon established criteria as provided in Article 14. Process – Section 14-202.6 – Building Site Determination of the Zoning Code.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

Site Plan Review

This application is required pursuant to the established thresholds pursuant to Article 14. Process – Section 14-201.1. General of the Zoning Code.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

Subdivision Review for a Tentative Plat and Variance

This is an application to subdivide or reconfigure a tract of land. Tentative plats approved by City Commission at first public hearing must then be approved by Miami-Dade County prior to proceeding to final plat review. Final plat review is required upon receipt of Tentative plat approval. Application for final plat is filed with the City Clerk’s office. See Zoning Code – Section 14-210 Platting/Subdivision for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 6 to 8 months

Transfer of Development Rights Receiving Site Plan Application

This is an application for the receiving site for the transfer of development rights. Historic Preservation Board review is required in addition to reviews listed. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code Section 14-204. Transfer of Development Rights for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (1 hearing)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

University Campus District Modification to the Adopted Campus Master Plan

This is an application to modify the approved University of Miami Campus Master Plan in accordance with Zoning Code Section 14-202 and Appendix D. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

Zoning Code Map Amendment

This application is to change the zoning for a parcel/ parcels of land. Application for site plan review is required to be filed and processed with this application. See Zoning Code – Section 14-212. Zoning Code Map Amendments for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: Staff/DRC, Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

Zoning Code Text Amendment

This is an application to amend and/or modify the text of the Zoning Code. See Zoning Code – Zoning Code 14-212 Zoning Code Text Amendments for requirements.

  • Required Reviews: ​​​Planning and Zoning Board, City Commission (2 hearings)
  • Minimum Estimated Time Frame to Complete Review: 4 to 5 months

​​​​*Please note: Time frames for review are estimated and are based upon satisfaction of all applicable Zoning Code requirements for public hearing consideration.

The Review Process

Below is a general overview of key “steps” and general information regarding the planning development review process.

Step 1 – Preapplication meeting.

All applicants are required to schedule an appointment for a preapplication conference with Planning Division Staff prior to the submittal date of an application. The purpose of this conference is to review the application requirements and supporting information as provided for in Section 10.

Staff suggests that preliminary site plans, landscape plans, elevations, etc. be provided at this meeting to assist staff in determining the application submittal requirements. Contact Jill Menendez at 305-460-5211 or to request a “Preapplication conference appointment.” Includes discussion of other City reviews necessary including Development Review Committee, Board of Architects, Board of Adjustment, Historic Preservation Board, etc.

Step 2 – Application submittal and application completeness review.

Planning Division Staff reviews application to determine if all required supporting information are provided following the preapplication meeting. A digital copy of the entire application shall be submitted, including all the items identified in the preapplication meeting, on EnerGov under Planning and Zoning and Development Review Committee. The deadline for this application is the first Friday of the month.

Step 3 – Determination of Application completeness and sufficiency.

Planning Staff determines if the application is generally complete. If the application is complete and the required application review/supplemental fees are paid, a receipt will be issued. Upon receipt of a complete application, the Planning Division will indicate if the application is either sufficient for review or insufficient for review. Once the application is scheduled, the applicant is required to post the notice to adjacent property owners at least 10 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Board public hearing.

Step 4 – Application comments.

Planning Division Staff reviews application in conjunction with City Departments (Fire, Historical Resources, Parking, Parks & Recreation, Police, Public Service and Public Works). Upon receipt of comments, Staff will forward all comments received to the applicant on EnerGov. When necessary, Staff may request a meeting with the applicant to review the comments along with other Departments, depending upon the complexity of the comments.

Step 5 – Revised application.

The applicant revises application materials and resubmits requested information. These revisions must be addressed prior to scheduling for another public review, such as BOA.

Step 6 – Public information meeting (mandatory).

Staff requires that all applications complete a required public information meeting a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to Planning and Zoning Board public hearing to advise and allow input of adjacent property owners, neighborhood associations and interested parties of the proposed development. The process for completing a public information meeting is provided in Section 3.0.

Step 7 – Public notice.

Applicant provides public notice to adjacent property owners at least 13 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Board public hearing. Applicant posts property with signage to identify request.

Step 8 – Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) and City Commission backup materials.

A minimum of ten (10) calendar days prior to consideration of an application for review, the applicant is required to provide ten (10) hard copies in 11” x 17” format/size and two (2) digital copies to EnerGov DRL1 plan. Staff will forward these materials to the PZB as part of the staff report. Failure to provide these documents will result in postponement of the application for consideration by the Board.

Step 9 – Public Hearings: Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) and City Commission.

The Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) meets on the second Wednesday of each month 6 - 9 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers (2nd floor) within City Hall, 405 Biltmore Way. Staff reports are available to the applicant, public and interested parties at 4 p.m. on the Friday before the scheduled Planning and Zoning Board meeting on the City web page. Applicants are requested to be prepared to present the application before the PZB and City Commission. The order of business at the public hearings are as follows: 1.) Applicant presents the application; 2.) Staff presents its recommendation(s); 3.) Public comment and testimony are heard; 4.)The PZB discusses and/or asks questions of the applicant or staff to formulate a recommendation; and, 5.) The PZB provides one of the following recommendations: approval subject with staff recommendation; approval subject to staff recommendations with modifications or additions; denial or postponement of the application.

After PZB review and recommendation, the application is typically forwarded to the first City Commission meeting of the next month. Generally, this is within three to four weeks of the PZB’s consideration of an application. City Commission meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. within the City Commission Chambers. All scheduled meetings are subject to change. A copy of the final approval in the form of a letter, ordinance, resolution, etc. should be secured by the applicant. This approval information will be forwarded by the Planning Division to the appropriate Departments to insure future implementation relative to the issuance of applicable permits and/or approvals.

Step 10 – Building permit process.

To begin the building permit process, contact the Building Division at 305.460.5245 or Approval implementation includes: 1.) Restrictive covenant; 2.) Final plans for certification; 3.) Building process; and, 4.) Other requirements for compliance.

Definitions of Terms and/or Application Requirements

This section defines the terms and/or submittal requirements that are referenced within the Planning Division Application. Please refer to the Zoning Code for additional definitions regarding the development review process. All application submittal requirements shall be subject to the discretion of the Planning Director.

The terms and/or requirements are defined as follows:

Aerial. A current aerial photograph or aerial representation of the subject property. The subject property must be outlined and labeled “Subject property.” All major roads must be labeled and clearly identified.

Additional application fees. Supplementary costs in addition to the fees identified may be assessed for the review of applications.

Affidavit providing for property owner’s authorization to process application. Provide affidavit for property owner’s authorization when submitting an application.

Annexation supporting materials.

a. Property owners’ authorization petition. A listing of property owners who have authorized via their signatures to annex their property under their control into the boundaries of the City of Coral Gables. This petition shall include, as a minimum, the following information:

  1. Written narrative indicating the purpose of the request (petition) indicating the intent to annex properties described into the City of Coral Gables;
  2. Property owners physical addresses;
  3. Property owners mailing addresses (if other than physical address);
  4. Legal description of property;
  5. Typewritten/printed property owners name;
  6. Signatures of property owners; and
  7. Date signed by property owner.

The original petition shall be the only petition determined to be valid or accepted as a part of an application. The original petition should be labeled as “Original.” Reproductions or copies of the petition will not be accepted for processing. Annexations must have County approval and be contiguous to City of Coral Gables boundaries.

b. Annexation study. This is a written narrative or study that is required to be prepared by the applicant that examines all requirements as provided within Florida Statutes, Chapter 171, entitled “Municipal Annexation and Contraction,” specifically 171.042, entitled “Prerequisites to annexation,” and 171.043, entitled “Character of area to be annexed.”

Applicant/agent authorization. A person or persons who have the authority to submit an application and act upon the behalf of the property owner(s). The signature of the applicant/agent is required on the application in association with the property owners signature. If the subject property has a valid City of Coral Gables entitlement, authorization is also required to join such entitlements.

Application. Planning Division applications required to be filed with the Division for various types of development review under the authority as outlined in the Zoning Code Article 14. Process - Section 14-107.4. Planning and Zoning Division. The Planning Division Development Review Application is available in electronic (fillable) format on EnerGov, which can be found on this City web page under Planning and Zoning. All application submittal requirements shall be subject to the discretion of the Planning Director.

Application fees. These are fees assessed for the review, advertising, and public notification of applications processed by the Planning Division. Fees for Planning Division application reviews shall be paid through the EnerGov portal or in the form of a check made payable to the “City of Coral Gables.”

The check shall be provided to the Development Services Department at 427 Biltmore Way. Refer to the “Application Review Fee Schedule” for a detailed breakdown. See the definition within this section of advertising fees, application filing fees, public hearing notification fees, and additional application fees for further information. A written receipt will be provided to the applicant upon receipt of check.

Application representation and contact information. A listing of all professionals who may act as a representative on an application. Please indicate the expertise/discipline of each person with the person’s title, company name(s), mailing addresses, email addresses, telephone number(s) and telefax number(s).

Application submittal requirements - number of copies. The following number of copies are required within the following time frames:

  1. Digital media copies. Upload entire application including all items identified in the Preapplication Conference on EnerGov. Each document shall be separated into PDF files (i.e., application; site plan, landscape plan; etc.). Please include a “Table of Contents” identifying all PDF file name(s). Each PDF file size shall not exceed 10 Mb. All documents shall be labeled with the applicant(s) name, project name and date of submittal.
    1. Login to existing or create a new EnerGov account. You can also find help if you forgot your login information
    2. Apply for a plan under Planning and Zoning - Development Review Committee
    3. Search or add your address under Location
    4. Add your contact information
    5. Upload your documents
    6. Confirm your submittal

Appraisal. This is an appraisal prepared, signed, and sealed by a State of Florida registered and certified appraiser.

Architectural/building elevations. Exterior elevation plans of all exterior sides of the proposed structure(s) with north, south, east, and west orientation referenced. If orientation is facing a street, it is suggested that the street name also be provided. If elevation drawings depict landscaping, those elevation drawings should be an actual representation of the installed landscape improvements as provided on the landscape plan.

Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment is responsible to provide relief from hardships and errors in the application of the regulations. The Board of Adjustment meets the first Monday of every month at 8:00 a.m. at the Coral Gables City Hall Commission Chambers, 405 Biltmore Way, 2nd Floor.

Board of Architects. The Board of Architects (BOA) is responsible for determining whether development applications satisfy the Design Review Standards set out in Article 5, Section 5-102. of the Coral Gables Zoning Code. These standards include, among other things, adherence to design principles such as the compatibility of elements of color, materials, fenestration and proportion, as well as an intrinsic sense of order in all aspects of the design. The City Architect is available to assist applicants in the preparation of their submittals and, in general, to help applicants find reasonable and appropriate solutions to design challenges. The board meets every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. at Development Services, 427 Biltmore Way, 1st floor.

Building floor plans. Drawings to scale depicting the locations of rooms, windows, doors, etc. for individual floors of a building.

City Commission. The commission-manager form of government allows the city's residents to elect a five-member City Commission charged with providing community leadership and developing policies to guide the City Administration's delivery of services. The Commission appoints the City Manager, who serves as chief administrator of the city and ensures that the Commission's policies are properly executed. The Commission also appoints the City Attorney and the City Clerk. Coral Gables' City Commissioners are elected to four-year, staggered terms, and the mayor serves for two years. These city-wide elections are held the second Tuesday in April in odd-numbered years. The Commission meets every other Monday at 9:00 a.m. at the Coral Gables City Hall Commission Chambers, 405 Biltmore Way, 2nd Floor.

Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Code text amendment justification. Requests for text amendments must be submitted in strikethrough and/or underline format with strikethroughs denoting deleted text and underlining representing added text. A written summary providing justification for the request is also required.

Comprehensive Plan (CP) analysis. Written evaluation and analysis of all applicable Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOP) of the CP with specific citation of each GOP to which the application conforms and/or complies.

Development Review Committee. The Development Review Committee (DRC) is an administrative staff committee, which reviews projects of varying scope that may benefit from staff input before the projects are presented to the City Commission and/or the various development review Boards appointed by the City Commission (the “Boards”). An optional conceptual review by the Board of Architects is available prior to submitting a DRC application. The Development Review Committee meets every last Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Coral Gables City Hall Commission Chambers, 205 Biltmore Way, 1st Floor.

Encroachments plan. A plan showing the locations and extent to which encroachments will occur within the public rights-of-way and/or on the subject property.

Environmental assessment. Describe the type(s) of existing native habitat and/or environmentally sensitive lands. The assessment should include any identified listed species found on or using the subject property. The environmental assessment shall meet the needs of the Comprehensive Plan Natural Resources Element.

Fee receipt. The receipt provided at which time the complete application including fees is received by the Planning Division.

Historic contextual study. This study should provide in narrative form an identification and analysis of the subject property and/or existing structure(s) (if applicable) relative to the historical significance. This shall include submission of exterior building elevations, plans, architectural details, Historic Structure Forms (Florida Master Site File), etc. of the following applicable items: existing onsite historically significant structures; events or features; proposed structure(s); and, surrounding historically significant structures, events or features.

Historic Preservation Board. The Historic Preservation Board is created to preserve, protect and harmonize new development with the historic resources that serve as visible reminders of the history and cultural heritage of the City, state or nation. The Historic Preservation Board meets every third Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Coral Gables City Hall Commission Chambers, 405 Biltmore Way, 2nd Floor.

Historical significance determination. Historical significance determinations are provided by the Historical Resources and Cultural Arts Department and provide the property owner with information regarding the historical significance of the property and may provide a determination as to whether or not a demolition permit may be granted.

Landscape plan. Pursuant to Zoning Code Article 6. Landscape – Section 6-201. Application and Plan Review Process, the landscape plan should delineate the location of all existing and proposed landscaping. The plan should include a plant material list indicating the type [botanical and common names] of all existing and proposed landscaping, minimum installation height, minimum installation size (caliper), spacing, staking/guying standards, etc. This plan should also delineate any proposed vegetation that will be removed/relocated as part of the proposed construction. All plans must be prepared, signed, and sealed by a registered State of Florida landscape architect. Additional information may be requested by the Public Service Director and Planning Director.

Large-scale development amendment to the CP. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 163.3187 (as amended), entitled “Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.”

Lighting plan. A scale drawing detailing the footcandles to be generated by the lighting, the locations and height of all light poles, and illustrations of the style of lighting fixture to be installed. This includes schematic/elevation and plan view details of all proposed light fixtures, including light contours, lighting schedules, etc.

Local Planning Agency (LPA). This is the City of Coral Gables Planning and Zoning Board which is responsible for making recommendations to the City Commission on applications for changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. The Planning and Zoning Board Meetings take place at the Coral Gables Commission Chambers, 405 Biltmore Way, 2nd floor at 6:00 p.m.

Massing model and/or 3D computer model. This is a two and/or three-dimensional representation (model) of the proposed structure(s) in relation to the surrounding existing buildings relative to height, bulk, mass, form, air/lighting impacts, architectural style, etc. and with existing and proposed (previously approved) structures/uses. The specific boundaries of the scale, type of materials, details of the model will be determined by Staff at the Preapplication conference.

Miami-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Lobbyist form. Persons appearing before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission are required to register as a lobbyist with the City of Coral Gables City Clerk at or (305) 460-5210. Staff requests a copy of the completed forms to be included with application submittal for all representatives of an application. The provisions are provided within Section 7.0 of this handbook as a courtesy and may be amended by the Miami-Dade County Commission without further notice. Applicants are advised to contact the Miami-Dade County Clerks Office for the most up-to-date information. Questions regarding the Ordinance should be directed to the Miami-Dade County Clerks Office. These requirements apply to all municipalities and all “lobbyists” who appear before a municipal government.

Ordinances, resolutions, covenants, development agreements, etc. previously granted for the property. These are copies of previously granted approvals (i.e., ordinances, resolutions, covenants, easements, development agreements, restrictions, etc.) for the property of the application which is being processed. This includes the City of Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, and any other government agency approvals.

Parking study. This is a detailed analysis of the effect of parking generated by a development proposal. The study shall provide the following information:

  1. Executive summary;
  2. Study methodology/objectives;
  3. Existing parking available;
  4. Proposed parking and parking requirements;
  5. Any additional information which may be requested by the Parking Director and/or Planning Director.

Photographs of property, adjacent uses and/or streetscape. Photographs of the north, south, east and west sides of the property, surrounding uses, and streetscape. Planning Division Staff will advise the areas required to be photographed (i.e., surrounding land uses, streetscape length, both sides of the street, etc.) at the preapplication conference. Label the location/direction from which the photograph has been taken.

Planned Area Development (PAD) property owners authorization. Applicants desiring an amendment to a previously approved valid PAD shall provide authorization from all property owners and/or entities that currently retain the rights of the previously approved PAD. This authorization is required to proceed forward with review of the application and authorization to partake of the approved entitlements granted pursuant to the PAD.

Planning and Zoning Division. The mission of the Planning & Zoning Division is to provide the City with creative and innovative guidance for the effective implementation of land use development, planning, transportation, housing, and environmental policies, plans, and programs. The intent is to maintain the City as a safe, vital and attractive community and enhance the high quality of life, health, safety, and welfare within the residential and business communities in association with the preservation of the historical heritage.

Plat. One (1) copy of the current-recorded plat.

Posting – public notice. All properties identified within an application for development review will be posted in accordance with the requirements for public notice posting located in Article 15. Notices – Section 15-100. Uniform Notice and Procedures for Public Hearing of the Zoning Code. Planning Division Staff requires that the applicant post the signs on the subject property a minimum of ten (10) days prior to consideration of the application by the Planning and Zoning Board.

Preapplication conference. All applicants are required to schedule an appointment with Planning Division Staff prior to the application submittal. Staff will review the application requirements and specifically determine what is needed for the application. Presentation of preliminary site plans, landscape plans, and elevations (as applicable) at this meeting would assist greatly in determining application submittal requirements. Contact Jill Menendez at 305.460.5211 or to schedule a pre-application conference.

Property owners list. To insure that adjacent property owners are notified of development application requests, some applications are required to include a property owner listing of all property owners within a specified area of the request. The notification radius measured in feet from the perimeter boundaries of the subject property for each application is as follows:

  • Abandonment and Vacations: 1,000
  • Annexation: 1,500
  • Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments*: 1,000
  • Conditional Use: 1,000
  • Coral Gables Mediterranean Architectural Design Special Locational Site Plan: 1,000
  • Development Agreement: 1,000
  • Mixed-Use Site Plan: 1,000
  • Planned Area Development (PAD) Designation and Site Plan or Major Amendment: 1,000
  • Separation/Establishment of a Building Site: 1,000
  • Site Plan Review and/or Amendment: 1,000
  • Site Plan Review and/or Amendment - North and South Industrial MXOD: 1,500**
  • Subdivision Review for a Tentative Plat and Variances: 1,000
  • Transfer of Development Rights Receiving Site Plan: 1,000
  • University Campus District Modification to the Adopted Campus Master Plan: 1,500
  • Zoning Code Map Amendments: 1,000

* The radius site-specific applications for change in land use shall be one-thousand five-hundred (1,500) feet.

** Mailing distance shall be measured from boundary of district.

To complete this, the following is required to be submitted with an applicable application:

  1. One (1) copy of a typewritten list of the most recent mailing addresses from the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser’s Office for all property owners within the above-referenced radius of the perimeter boundaries of the subject property.
  2. One (1) copy of a typewritten list of the following:
    1. Current mailing addresses of the officer in charge of all applicable homeowners/property owners associations including both individual and master associations within the above-referenced radius of the subject property.
    2. All local government addresses (including Miami-Dade County) within one (1) mile of the subject property. Notices should be addressed to the local government manager/administrator, Planning Director or Zoning Director.
    3. All property owner associations, property owners associations, and presiding officer(s) and/or president.
  3. Two (2) sets of mailing labels of the above items 1 and 2; and
  4. One (1) copy of a map indicating the location of each property owner noticed with a reference number corresponding to the list on a Miami-Dade County Tax Map or similar scale map. The map should delineate the above-referenced radius as measured from perimeter boundaries of the subject property.

Applicants will be requested to provide additional sets of labels and provide applicable public hearing notification fees if an application is deferred, reconsidered, or postponed.

Property owners list, notification radius map, and two sets of labels. This is a notarized list of property owners in the form of mailing labels and accompanied by a notification radius map for the purposes of mailing public hearing notifications to affected individuals.

Property survey and legal description. Submission of a survey including the following:

  1. Legal description (metes and bound description);
  2. Total acreage of each parcel as well as a total amount;
  3. Subdivision names;
  4. Signed/sealed by a State of Florida registered land surveyor;
  5. Must have been completed/sealed within the past two (2) years of application submittal date; and
  6. Any additional information which may be requested by the Planning Director.

Public information meeting. This is a mandatory meeting with the surrounding property owners, neighborhoods, homeowners associations, interested parties, etc. that abut and/or are adjacent to a proposal. Staff requires that all applications requiring a public hearing before the PZB and City Commission complete a public information meeting. As a minimum, the following steps are required to complete this public information meeting:

  1. Notification is provided to all surrounding property owners within the identified courtesy notification radius of the subject property. Record of notification should be maintained and provided to Planning Staff;
  2. The meeting is conducted on the subject property or in a location that is convenient to surrounding property owners;
  3. Attendance shall be taken with property owner addresses and telephone contact information and provided to Planning Staff; and
  4. Meeting summary minutes and comments as a result of the meeting shall be provided to the Planning Division and the applicant should attempt to resolve any issues identified.

These meetings are required after the application has undergone preliminary review by City Staff. This will insure City review and comments are included as a part of the information provided to the interested parties.

Public Realm Improvements Plan for Mixed-Use Projects. A plan indicating the public realm improvements that will be provided in association with a mixed-use project.

Public School Preliminary Concurrency Analysis (Residential Land Use/Zoning Applications Only). To ensure that adequate student capacity will be available for public schools to meet future demands, application and project information must be submitted to the Miami-Dade County School Board for concurrency analysis as mandated by the State of Florida requirements. Refer to Florida Statutes, Chapter 163.3180 and the City Comprehensive Plan Educational Element for further information.

South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC). South Florida Regional Planning Council, covering Miami-Dade County, is one of eleven regional planning councils in the state which review proposed amendments to local CP's for consistency with the Regional Policy Plan.

Sign master plan. A plan providing the location and examples of the types of signage that will be provided.

Site plan and supporting information.

  1. Site Plan. A plan, to scale, indicating uses and existing/proposed structures for a parcel of land as required by the regulations. At the very least, this plan should include the following information: lot lines; streets; rights-of-way widths; open spaces; buildings; dimensions; major land features; clearly labeled all major roadways; north arrow to be oriented toward top of the page; date(s) prepared and any revision dates; sheet numbers; and map name.
  2. Signage details. Schematic/elevation and plan view details of proposed signage. Additional information may be requested by the Planning Director.
  3. Site plan data summary table. One- or two-page summary of the proposed building program or site plan data. At minimum, this should include the following information:
    1. Total acreage of the site;
    2. Existing and proposed square footage(s) by total and by type of use;
    3. Floor area ratios (i.e., commercial, residential, etc.);
    4. Parking tabulation including required parking by type of use, parking per floor (if applicable), total parking provided, disabled parking, etc.;
    5. Building height(s) (stories and feet);
    6. Building square footage(s);
    7. On-street parking analysis;
    8. Permeable versus impermeable surfaces; and
    9. Total green/open space provided in square footage and percentage.
  4. Location maps. Maps identifying the location of a subject parcel under consideration. For the purposes of an application submittal this includes the following:
    1. Location of the property and the existing land use designation(s) on the Official City of Coral Gables Future Land Use Map;
    2. Location of the property and the existing zoning designation(s) on the Official City of Coral Gables Zoning Map; and,
  5. Pedestrian circulation plan. This plan should outline as a minimum the following information:
    1. Existing and proposed pedestrian circulation patterns;
    2. Type of paving surfaces;
    3. Features for the protection from the elements, overhangs, location of canopies, etc.;
    4. Access points to parking, entrances, street sidewalks, etc.;
    5. Emergency access points;
    6. Location and type of pedestrian directional signage;
    7. Proposed pedestrian amenities such as benches, outdoor seating, recreational amenities, etc.;
    8. Pedestrian crosswalks, markings, etc.; and,
    9. Disabled access locations, curb ramps, etc.
  6. Traffic circulation plan. This plan should identify all internal and external traffic patterns, including as a minimum the following:
    1. Existing and proposed traffic circulation patterns;
    2. Vehicle entrances/exits;
    3. Potential pedestrian and vehicle conflict areas;
    4. Vehicular directional signage; and
    5. Any additional information which may be requested by the Public Works Director.
  7. Utilities location plan. Proposed easements for utilities, including water, power, telephone, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and fire lanes showing dimensions and use.

Small-scale development amendment to the CP. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 163.3187 (as amended), entitled “Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.”

Statement of use and/or cover letter. This is a typewritten letter providing a detailed explanation of the purpose and intent of the application including the below listed (applicable) information:

  1. Detailed explanation of the request including any pertinent technical data which will clarify the proposal;
  2. Proposed use(s);
  3. Existing and proposed site conditions (i.e., vacant, structures, utilities present, etc.);
  4. Project history. Listing of all previous development approvals granted with reference to this application. This should include submission of all past resolutions, ordinances, and conditions of approval that have been granted by the City of Coral Gables (i.e., Board of Architects, Planning and Zoning Board, Historic Preservation Board, City Commission, etc.) for the subject property;
  5. Existing structure(s) located onsite indicating type of construction (i.e., frame, concrete block, etc.);
  6. Proposed square footage(s) of all residential and nonresidential uses;
  7. Proposed construction phasing plan;
  8. Proposed hours of operation for nonresidential uses;
  9. Existing utilities available onsite;
  10. Explanation as to how the application satisfies the applicable zoning district requirements for which the property is located; and
  11. Any additional information which may be requested by the Planning Director.

Streetscape master plan. Pursuant to Zoning Code Article 4. Urban Design and Public Improvement Standards - Section 4-205. Streetscape Standards, a streetscape master plan is required.

Traffic accumulation assessment. An analysis of the effect of accumulated traffic resulting from the proposed development. The assessment should provide detailed information on the accumulation of traffic in the surrounding area and provide alternatives for alleviating congestion when possible. Addition information may be requested by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director.

Traffic impact statement. An analysis of the effect of traffic generated by a development proposal. This statement should include traffic generation rates for all proposed uses and examine, as a minimum, peak AM and PM trip generation rates. Additional information may be requested by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director.

Traffic impact study. A traffic impact study will be conducted whenever a proposed development will generate fifty (50) or more added (new) peak hour two-way trips to or from the site during the adjacent roadway's peak hours or the development's peak hours.

Any major traffic generator (which may include approved or anticipated developments) must be considered as a potential candidate for traffic impact analysis. Examples include high-density residential areas, offices, retail/commercial hotels, business park, hospitals/medical offices, schools, industrial facilities and stadiums/coliseums.

A development generating less than 50 new trips may require a limited traffic study to address special considerations.

At a minimum, the following information shall be included within the traffic study report in the following order:

  1. Executive summary;
  2. Study methodology/objectives;
  3. Existing level of service levels of adjoining roadways;
  4. Programmed roadway improvements;
  5. Future background growth;
  6. Committed developments. Includes all recent major projects approved and issued building permit by the City of Coral Gables Building Division to insure the most recent background traffic is counted;
  7. Projected traffic;
  8. Surrounding intersection analysis;
  9. Special issues. This could include but is not limited to examination of the following: weekend analysis; 24-hour analysis dependent upon hours of operation of facility; proposed street closures; pedestrian access, public transportation, etc.;
  10. Transportation demand management techniques; project access; traffic calming; directional signage; neighborhood issues;
  11. Recommended roadway improvements; and
  12. Any additional information which may be requested by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director.

Additional technical analysis requested by the Department on a case-by-case basis may include:

  1. Arterial Travel Time and Delay
  2. Site access & on-site circulation
  3. Vehicle Classification
  4. Parking Demand, Utilization, and Turnover studies
  5. Queuing analysis
  6. Sight distance analysis
  7. Gap and Speed studies
  8. Origin-Destination Studies
  9. Traffic signal timing optimization
  10. Signal warrant analysis per Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices guidelines
  11. Left turn phasing analysis for signalized intersections
  12. Safety analysis and review of historical accident data
  13. Traffic Calming Evaluation
  14. Pedestrian and Bicycle Level of Service
  15. Transit Boarding, Alighting and Level of Service, and
  16. Evaluation of intersection geometry including turning radii, particularly related to freight movement

Utilities consent. Written confirmation from each of the following utilities indicating utility service is available for the following:

  1. Florida Power and Light Company;
  2. Local telephone provider;
  3. Local cable provider;
  4. Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department; and
  5. Local gas company.

Utilities location plan. This is a plan that indicates the existing and proposed locations for easements for utilities, including water, power, telephone, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and fire lanes showing dimensions, and use.

Vegetation survey. This is a plan survey of all vegetation that presently exists on a tract of land. At a minimum, the survey shall include the following information:

  1. All trees, shrubs, etc. that occupy the site;
  2. Height, caliper size, spread of all vegetation;
  3. Location of all materials;
  4. Botanical name and common name of all vegetation;
  5. Exotic vegetation should be noted; and
  6. Any additional information which may be requested by the Public Service Director and/or Planning Director

Video of the subject property. A video in digital format of the subject property and surrounding area. The video should show the subject property as well as adjacent properties and properties across the street in order to provide context for the proposal.

Warranty Deed. This is a type of deed where the grantor (seller) guarantees that he or she holds clear title to a piece of real estate and has a right to sell it to the grantee (buyer).

Zoning Analysis (Preliminary). Analysis required to show compliance with applicable Zoning Code provisions. Must be obtained from the Zoning Division prior to submittal of application.

Zoning Code text amendment justification. See “Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Code text amendment justification” for definition in this Section.

Planning Division Documents Available Online

All of the Planning Division documents are available online on the City of Coral Gables website under Development Services – Planning and Zoning Division, and in person at Development Services, Planning Division Department (427 Biltmore Way, 2nd floor) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Documents online are most up to date documents.

The Planning documents available online include the following:

Current Zoning Code and Map

Zoning Code Archives

  • 2007 Zoning Code, as amended (2019)
  • 2007 Zoning Code, as amended (2011)
  • 2007 Zoning Code
  • 2006 Zoning Code
  • 1994 Zoning Code
  • 1983 Zoning Code
  • 1965 Zoning Code
  • 1963 Zoning Code
  • 1946 Zoning Code
  • 1930 Zoning Code

Current Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan Archives

  • 1962 Master Plan of Land Use
  • 1968 Comprehensive Development Plan
  • 1969 Implementation for the Comprehensive Development Plan
  • 1978 Comprehensive Plan
  • 1989 Comprehensive Plan

Master Plans and Community Visions

  • 2014 Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan
  • 2002 Coral Gables Charrette
  • 2010 Comprehensive Plan
  • 1997 Design/Industrial District Master Plan
  • 2021 Downtown Coral Gables Retail Strategy Update
  • 2019 Flagler Section Community Vision
  • Parks and Community Recreation and War Memorial Center Master Plan
  • 2005 North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Area and Commercial Business District Master Landscape Plan
  • 2015 North Ponce Community Vision
  • 2020-2022 Strategic Plan
  • 2015 Sustainability Master Plan
  • Comprehensive Multimodal Transportation Plan
  • 2015 US1 Red Sunset Vision
  • University of Miami Campus Master Plan

Lobbyist Registration and Disclosure

Persons appearing before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission are required to register as a lobbyist with the City of Coral Gables City Clerk at (305) 460-5207 or These requirements apply to all municipalities and all “lobbyists” who appear before a municipal government.

These provisions are provided here as a courtesy and may be amended without further notice. Applicants are advised to contact the Miami-Dade County Clerk’s office for the most up-to-date information. Questions regarding the below listed information should be directed to the City Clerk’s Office on the First Floor and the Miami-Dade County Clerk’s Office.

A “Lobbyist” is any persons, firms or corporations employed or retained by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat, or modifications of (1) ordinance, resolution, action or decisions of the County Commission; (2) any action, decision, recommendation of County board or committee; (3) any action, decision or recommendation of County personnel during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the County Commission, or a County board or committee. “Lobbyist” specifically includes the principal, as described above, as well as any agent, officer or employee of a principal, regardless of whether such lobbying activities fall within the normal scope of employment of such agent, officer or employee.

False Claims

See Chapter 38 – Article II. False Claims and Presentations to City Government in the Coral Gables City Code. If the City Attorney finds that a person has violated or is violating these provisions, a civil action for false claims may be brought against the person on behalf of the City consistent with the City Attorney's authority to bring civil actions in Section 38.46 of the City Code.

Requests for Documents in Different Form

Any person requiring special assistance or documents in a different format, please contact the Division at (305) 460-5211. Persons desiring special accommodations for participation in public hearings (meetings) because of a disability, please contact Raquel Elejabarrieta, ADA Coordinator, (305) 722-8686, no less than three (3) working days prior to the meeting.

Planning Division Contacts

If you have questions regarding any information contained in this Handbook, please contact the Planning Division at (305) 460-5211.

Jennifer Garcia

City Planner

(305) 460-5214

Emilee Aguerrebere

Principal Planner

(305) 569-1804

Jill Menendez

Administrative Assistant

(305) 460-5211