Submit a Sidewalk Café Permit

  • Display an issued certificate at the place of business.
  • Maintain the length of the restaurant frontage, unless approved during permitting.
  • Limit width/depth of sidewalk café on Giralda to 15 feet (in order to provide 10 feet clear of centerline of Giralda).
  • Maintain a minimum clearance of 5 feet (10 feet on Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza) from all obstructions (building, curb line, etc.).
  • Provide a clear and unobstructed path of at least 5 feet extending from the entrance of the restaurant through the sidewalk café.
  • Do not have perimeter structures (fences, railings, planters, etc.) that restrict pedestrian circulation or discourage public use of tables or chairs.
  • Planters may only be utilized on Miracle Mile as buffers from vehicular traffic. Planters are prohibited on Giralda Plaza. Artificial planting materials are prohibited.
  • Do not include any signage on the public portion of the property, including signage on umbrellas. 
  • Allow access to any bus stop, crosswalk, public seating, intersections, service easements, handicap facilities, or adjacent establishments.
  • Be clean and in good repair, with trash, litter, and gum removed daily, including the sidewalk area, curb, and gutter.
  • Can not be anchored/restrained visibly as with a chain, rope, or wire.
  • Meet the requirements for nighttime uses in Sec. 3-415 of the Zoning Code.
  • Do not stack or pile chairs in the right of way on Miracle Mile or Giralda Plaza.
  • Do not include the storage of dishes, silverware, or other similar equipment on Miracle Mile or Giralda Plaza during non-business hours.
  • Do not include any food displays, food preparation, storage, refrigeration apparatus, or fire apparatus in the right of way on Miracle Mile or Giralda Plaza.
  • Do not include umbrellas clipped, zipped, or fastened together.
  • Renew permit biannually with the $15 per square foot fee.

Step 1

  1. Download the following: 
    1. Property Owners Encroachment Restrictive Covenant Agreement [PDF]
    2. Pre-Approved Furniture [PDF]
  2. Select proposed outdoor furniture (pre-approved options or unique furniture).
  3. Sketch a site plan that shows the locations of proposed tables, chairs, umbrellas, plants, etc. on sidewalk.
  4. Create an interior floor plan illustrating restroom facilities, and interior and exterior occupant load.
  5. Refer to Zoning Code Section 3-315: Restaurant, open-air dining at ground level and other location, and Section E.1: Business Improvement Overlay District (BIOD) for specific provisions for restaurants on Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza.

Step 2

  1. Since the Sidewalk Café is located on the public right-of-way, a "Landlord/Tenant or Property Owner’s Encroachment & Restrictive Covenant" is required to be submitted.
    1. Landlord Tenant Encroachment Restrictive Covenant Agreement [PDF]
  2. Upload covenant for City Attorney’s approval via online submission.
  3. Please contact operations at the City Attorney's Office for more information at (305) 460-5338 or

Step 3

  1. Submit the entire Sidewalk Café application (site plan, interior floor plan, furniture selection, proof of insurance, and Landlord/Tenant or Property Owner’s Encroachment & Restrictive Covenant) online for the "Zoning Commercial - Sidewalk Cafes" permit on EnerGov.
  2. Pay the $250 upfront application fee

*Use the address of the building (may not be the restaurant's address) or the folio/parcel number to locate the property correctly on EnerGov. This information can be found on the County's Property Appraiser Website

Step 4

  1. Respond to any comments or additional DERM requirements during the permit review
  2. Pay the $15 per square foot of sidewalk area used by the tables, chairs, umbrellas, etc.
  3. Display issued permit card / certificate after scheduled inspections