Raimundo Rodulfo
Director of Innovation and Technology · Innovation & Technology (IT)
Raimundo Rodulfo joined the City of Coral Gables in 2004 and currently serves as Director of Innovation and Technology and Chief Innovation Officer. He leads strategic planning, oversight and management of citywide IT operations, infrastructure and smart city initiatives. Under his leadership the city has received numerous awards and recognitions including first place in the Digital Cities 2018, first place in the U.S. Open Cities Index in 2019 and 2020, first place in the Government Experience Award in 2023, Smart 50 Award in Urban Infrastructure in 2020 and 2023, Smart Cities Council Innovation Excellence Award in 2022, IEEE Smart Cities Jury Award in 2022, one of the "8 Smart Cities to Watch in 2020 by State Tech Magazine", one of the top 12 worldwide in the "Gartner Eye on Innovation Awards" in 2021, and one of the world's "Top 7 Intelligent Communities of 2023."
Prior to joining the city, he spent ten years in the private sector working for various Fortune 500 companies such as Bellsouth, Siemens, and NCR in varying capacities. During this time, he also assisted on engineering and technology projects for Motorola and Lucent in Chicago, and Agilent Technologies in Silicon Valley.
Rodulfo holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from National Polytechnic University. Additionally, he received a Master of Science in Engineering Management and a Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Systems from Florida International University. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E., Florida and National NCEES Record), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), and a certified professional in PCI, HIPAA, Incident Management, Virtualization, SAP, and ITIL.