Search term: Services

400 Results

Request Film Permit

Submit a request for a film permit or report an issue.

Report Granada Golf Course Issues

Submit a report for issues with the Granada Golf Course.

City and Developer Projects

Be directed to the project information you're looking for, transportation/traffic calming, city construction, and large developer projects.

City Commission Request

Schedule a meeting with the commissioners, or request a ribbon cutting or proclamation.

Public Records Requests

Public Records Requests Request Public Records here:

Media Contact

Frequently Asked Questions about Undergrounding

Frequently asked questions for residents and businesses about the undergrounding of electrical and telecommunications infrastructure throughout the city.

Sea Level Impact

Information and resources on the actions taken by Coral Gables to assess and manage rising sea levels.

Internship and Volunteer Policy and Procedures

The City of Coral Gables’ internship program is committed to supplementing the students’ educational curriculum by engaging students in “real-life” public sector work experience. Departments seeking

Coral Gables Permitting Assistance Program

The Coral Gables Permitting Assistance Program (PAP) is an economic development initiative established in 2012 to assist new-to-market and existing/expanding businesses obtain timely permits that will