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367 Results

Fingerprinting Services

Cost Ink fingerprinting (paper & ink method): $20.00 Per Card Electronic fingerprinting: $20.00 Photos (Set of two): $10.00 Acceptable payment: Cash, Check, Debit or Credit Card Additional Information

Adult Activity Center

The Adult Activity Center offers classes and activities for adults over the age of 50 in Coral Gables.

Further Useful Services

LGBTQ Services

The City of Coral Gables has designated LGBTQ liaisons to serve as resources and advocates for the LGBTQ community. The purpose of the LGBTQ liaisons is to strengthen the relationship between the

Pay A Bill

Avoid making a duplicate payments: Click the "Make Payment" button only once. Do not use your browser “Back” button during the payment process. Do not pay again if you get an error message during the

Fire Department

About The Coral Gables Fire Department provides 24-hour emergency services, 365 days a year. In addition to the traditional service of fire suppression, the department also provides advanced and basic

Police Department

About The Coral Gables Police Department is a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accredited agency. Our police department has been recognized as a model of excellence in

Boards and Committees

Boards and committees information and how to become a board member.

Applications, Forms, and General Information

Applications, forms & general information relating each division of the Development Services department, including access to the portal to pay permit application fees.


About The Coral Gables Trolley has been providing a convenient transportation option for residents and visitors since 2003 and averages over 1 million passengers per year. The service is free Monday