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108 Results

Overview of Fritz & Franz Bierhaus Lease

Pursuant to several requests for information received regarding the history of the Satchmo Blues Bar & Grill Inc. d/b/a Fritz & Franz Bierhaus’ lease agreement with the city, we have reviewed city

Restrictions on Construction Work Hours

All construction, alterations or general repair of any building structure, for which a permit is required, shall be restricted as follows.

History of the Coral Gables Library

History of the Coral Gables Library since 1927 up to the modern day.

Venetian Pool FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Venetian Pool.

Cultural Grants

Cultural grant information and applications, including Coral Gables cultural connections.

Our Parks

Our parks

Central Business District Open Space Incentive Program

The Central Business District (CBD) area is bounded by Navarre Street on the north, Douglas Road on the east, and Almeria St. on the south, and Lejeune Road on the west. This central part of Coral

Play Gables At Home

Activities for all the family provided by play gables at home throughout the pandemic.

Coral Gables News

Find all the latest news from the City of Coral Gables

Park(ing) Day 2024 Guidelines

This year the event takes place on Friday, Sept. 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . Set up begins at 7 a.m. and breakdown begins at 4 p.m. to be completed no later than 5 p.m. It is an opportunity for people