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290 Results

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Therefore, it is the policy of the City of Coral Gables that all personal information collected by city government Web site shall be subject to several principles.

IT Awards

All awards achieved by our outstanding IT department across the last few years.

History of the Coral Gables Library

History of the Coral Gables Library since 1927 up to the modern day.

Sunrise Harbor Drainage Assessment

A plan to improve drainage and the neighborhood through managing flood severity and stormwater.

Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

Membership, meeting and general information about the SAB.

Sustainability Management Plan

City of Coral Gables created a Sustainability Management Plan. The plan identified projects the City can implement to can decrease our energy, water, and fuel consumption while increasing

Solar Benches

Location and key information on our recently installed Solar Benches.


Learn more about composting and how to do it at your Coral Gables home

Water Conservation

Reminder of Miami-Dade's water restrictions which apply all year-round, alongside information on rebates and landscape irrigation.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Information and resources on how you can help Coral Gables to become more environmentally friendly at home, on the road and at work.