Search term: Services

13 Results

City Announces Executive Leadership Promotions

CORAL GABLES, FL – The City of Coral Gables has promoted José “Joe” Gómez from Assistant City Manager to Deputy City Manager and Carolina Vester from Deputy Community Recreation Director to Assistant

Residential Parking Rate Pilot Program

The city is implementing a new parking permit registration system. In the meantime, we are available to assist you with registering for the residential rate program. For assistance, call us at 305-460

Monitoring Hurricane Milton

As of Oct. 10, 2024, at 3 p.m. Hurricane Milton made landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast late Wednesday night. All city offices and facilities will reopen for regular business today at 5 p.m. Please note

Fire Personnel Honored by Congresswoman

Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar recently held a ceremony honoring first responders and four Coral Gables Fire Department personnel were recognized for their exceptional dedication and service to

Unlocking Coral Gables Business Potential

Below is an article from October of last year, published in the South Florida Business Journal. Unlocking the potential of one of Florida’s most business-friendly cities: Coral Gables Named one of the

City Meetings Are Moving Location

On Nov. 5 the city received an engineering report. As a result, Commission Meetings and other meetings such as Planning and Zoning and Historical Preservation Meetings will need to be moved to the

Give us your feedback

Residents and visitors, we want to know your satisfaction with the city's police services. Please help us provide you with the best service by taking this short survey .

The City Receives Donation of Pet Waste Stations

The donation will support the City Beautiful’s dog friendly initiative by providing dog owners with additional convenient ways to dispose of their dogs’ waste. Coral Gables, FL, Oct. 24, 2023 – The

Help us improve the Downtown experience

We want to create the right business environment with the right services you need to succeed. This survey will help us understand your needs for transportation in the business core.

Downtown Express starting Sept. 30!

The City of Coral Gables is launching trolley service from South Gables and the University of Miami to Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza on Saturday, Sept. 30, making it easier for residents and visitors