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28 Results

Tree Pruning FAQs

Frequently asked questions about tree pruning in the City of Coral Gables.

Public Works

About The Public Works Department is a large, full service, multi-disciplinary organization providing a vast array of infrastructure services, including: sanitary sewers; storm water control systems

Report Missed Trash Pit Service

Submit a report for a missed trash pit service.

Duplex and Multi-Family

The collection, disposal, and recycling of trash for duplexes and multi-family are serviced by Waste Management of Dade County. You can contact Waste Management at 786-450-5699 or email dadesupport@wm

Commercial Trash

The collection, disposal, and recycling of trash for commercial properties are serviced by Waste Management of Dade County. You can contact Waste Management at 786-450-5699 or email

Report Missed Recycling Collection

Submit a report for a missed recycling service.

Trash (Yard Debris and Household Items)

What is trash? Yard debris and small household items, such as furniture. Where to place? Yard debris and items are collected from the swale/trash pit in front of the property Yard debris can be placed


Coral Gables collects garbage from the side of single-family homes twice a week (Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday.) Find your collection day using the link in the header. What is garbage

Traffic Impact Studies

Process and methodology behind traffic impact studies.

Environmental Initiatives

About The City of Coral Gables has made sustainability and resiliency a top priority and recognizes that it must be a key focus within our city’s planning, policies, and services. Through the