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45 Results

Adults 50+ Services

Programs, activities and information for those over 50 in Coral Gables.

Adult Activity Center

The Adult Activity Center offers classes and activities for adults over the age of 50 in Coral Gables.


Recycling Guidelines Do not place recycling outdoors until the night before your collection day. Keep recyclables clean, dry, and empty. Do not bag recyclable items—leave them loose in the recycling

Greenspace Management

The hub for managing your greenspace. Learn about swale permits, plant and tree management, and tree removal.

Plant Management

Information on swale landscaping recommendations, mangroves, pollinator areas, and the Million Orchid project.

Tree Management

Information on the local tree species in our area and tree projects carried out by the city.

FPL Undergrounding and AT&T Fiber

We are pleased to let city residents and businesses know that FPL is converting all neighborhood (lateral) lines from above-ground to underground.

King Tides

Frequently asked questions about King Tides and how to prepare.

Waterways and Mangroves

Beautify Our Waterways Together City staff performs ongoing assessments to keep our waterways safe and looking beautiful. We also depend on the community's assistance. Some residents may have received

Construction Projects

List and information for ongoing and completed projects by the City of Coral Gables