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26 Results

Adults 50+ Services

Programs, activities and information for those over 50 in Coral Gables.

Adult Activity Center

The Adult Activity Center offers classes and activities for adults over the age of 50 in Coral Gables.

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy)

Information about how businesses and residents can become more environmentally friendly with PACE, and updated information on our Solar projects.

Sea Level Impact

Information and resources on the actions taken by Coral Gables to assess and manage rising sea levels.

Keep Coral Gables Beautiful

Find out more about the projects and events happening in Coral Gables to help protect the planet.

Park Projects and Updates

Information on the projects happening to improve our parks, including the Community Recreation Master Plan and Little Free Libraries.


About The City of Coral Gables has made sustainability and resiliency a top priority and recognizes that it must be a key focus within our city’s planning, policies, and services. The Sustainability

More Information

More information for community recreation including employee resources, volunteer in parks and lost pet guidance.

Water Conservation

Reminder of Miami-Dade's water restrictions which apply all year-round, alongside information on rebates and landscape irrigation.

Youth Center Memberships

The Youth Center provides separate pricing and registration dates for programs and classes depending on resident, member, and non-resident status. Members are those individuals who have paid an annual