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89 Results

Report Youth Center Issues

Submit a report for any issues with the War Memorial Youth Center.

Report Adult Activity Center Issues

Submit a report for issues with the Adult Activity Center.

Request Film Permit

Submit a request for a film permit or report an issue.

Report Granada Golf Course Issues

Submit a report for issues with the Granada Golf Course.

Sewers and Stormwater

About Stormwater runoff is managed separately from our sanitary sewer system which carries human waste and sewage through a series of manholes and gravity and force mains that connect to Miami-Dade

Park Rentals and Facility Use

About Permits are required for the exclusive use of pavilions, fields or facilities. Permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations may not be completed over the phone. Permit

Pet-Friendly Parks

List of all parks where you can bring your four-legged friends, as well as information and rules.

Fire Dept. Community Services

Community Service Programs

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements from the Fire Department.