Search term: Services

12 Results

Fire Dept. Community Services

Community Service Programs

Fire Department

About The Coral Gables Fire Department provides 24-hour emergency services, 365 days a year. In addition to the traditional service of fire suppression, the department also provides advanced and basic

Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements from the Fire Department.

Code Enforcement and Neighbor Dispute Policy

It has become evident that the City’s Development Services Department, Code Enforcement Division is often used as a vehicle in furtherance of neighbor disputes, both in residential and commercial

City Attorney's Office

About The City Attorney is appointed by the commission and is the city's chief legal officer. The Office of the City Attorney provides legal counsel and representation to the City Commission, city

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

External Pages & Research Material

Access to sources of information for important codes and judicial material related to the City of Coral Gables.

Cristina M. Suárez

Cristina M. Suárez was named City Attorney of the City of Coral Gables in 2023. She is the chief legal officer and general counsel for the city.

Stephanie M. Throckmorton

Stephanie M. Throckmorton is the Deputy City Attorney for the City of Coral Gables. In this role, Throckmorton assists the City Attorney and provides legal counsel to city departments. She previously

Gustavo J. Ceballos

Gustavo J. Ceballos is an Assistant City Attorney and the City Prosecutor for the City of Coral Gables. He has held the role of Assistant City Attorney since 2018 and was given the additional