Search term: Services

11 Results

Fire Dept. Community Services

Community Service Programs

Fire Department

About The Coral Gables Fire Department provides 24-hour emergency services, 365 days a year. In addition to the traditional service of fire suppression, the department also provides advanced and basic

Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements from the Fire Department.

City Commission

About The commission-manager form of government allows the city's residents to elect a five-member City Commission charged with providing community leadership and developing policies to guide the City

Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

Melissa Castro

Melissa Castro was elected as a Coral Gables City Commissioner in April 2023, bringing extensive expertise in business operations, behavioral analysis, and organizational strategy to city governance

Marcos De La Rosa

Marcos De La Rosa was appointed Fire Chief for the City of Coral Gables in 2016. He oversees fire and emergency services within the city of more than 50,000 residents. He oversees a team of more than

Ariel Fernandez

Elected Coral Gables City commissioner on April 11, 2023, Ariel Fernandez’s goal is to increase engagement and be an advocate for residents. He began his career in public service as an intern during

Mayor Lago's Memos

Mayor Lago's Memos & More

Kirk R. Menendez

Bio Kirk R. Menendez was elected Coral Gables City Commissioner in April 2021. He is a long-time community volunteer. For more than 40-years, he has dedicated much of his time to advocating for and