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59 Results

Request a Recycling Bin

Submit a request for a recycling bin.

Storm Drain/Catch Basin Issues

Submit a report for storm drain or catch basin issues.

Report a Street Light Problem

Submit a report for a problem with or damage to a street light.

Request Trash Pit Fill

Submit a request to have a trash pit/hole filled.

Sunrise Harbor Drainage Assessment

A plan to improve drainage and the neighborhood through managing flood severity and stormwater.

Sewers and Stormwater

About Stormwater runoff is managed separately from our sanitary sewer system which carries human waste and sewage through a series of manholes and gravity and force mains that connect to Miami-Dade

Environmental Initiatives

About The City of Coral Gables has made sustainability and resiliency a top priority and recognizes that it must be a key focus within our city’s planning, policies, and services. Through the

Certified Green Businesses

See all certified Green Businesses across platinum, gold, silver and bronze tiers.


Coral Gables collects garbage from the side of single-family homes twice a week (Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday.) Find your collection day using the link in the header. What is garbage