We're Talking Trash!

Let's keep the City Beautiful, beautiful! Following solid waste guidelines helps us keep Coral Gables clean and ensures the wellbeing of our Solid Waste staff.

With that in mind, here are a few things you need to know about solid waste in Coral Gables.

Swale Responsibly

The swale is the grassy area stretching from the far edge of your home to the edge of the street. A well-kept swale keeps neighborhoods neat, minimizes flooding, and protects the environment and the drinking water supply by filtering pollutants from stormwater. In Coral Gables, trash pits within swales collect yard debris and small household items.

Here are the general guidelines within the city:

  • Loose green matter such as shrubs, branches and leaves can be placed out during the week.
  • Small household items, including trash bags (regardless of contents), may only be placed after 6 p.m. the night before your scheduled collection day.
  • Schedule bulky items such as appliances and furniture in advance for pick-up.
    • There is a $50 fee per item for the collection.
    • To schedule, email pwsolidwaste@coralgables.com or call 305-460-5346.
    • Furniture may not be placed out until 6 p.m. the night before your collection day.
  • Items never accepted in the swale include:
    • Pet waste
    • Cardboard
    • Construction materials, including glass, sand, and paint
    • Hazardous materials such as pesticides and household chemicals

Scoop the Poop

Maintaining a beautiful city requires a commitment from the community. Proper pet waste disposal is crucial in maintaining the city's cleanliness.

  • Carry waste bags during walks and promptly dispose of pet waste in household garbage or pet waste disposal stations located throughout the city.
    • There is a civil penalty of $500 for depositing trash and/or clean yard waste and/or refuse and/or waste in a prohibited location, per Chapter 54 of the City Code.
  • Dropping pet waste in swales is not only unsightly but leaves a foul odor and pollutes runoff water, waterways and Biscayne Bay.


Break the Box

Make sure to cut and/or fold your cardboard and place it in your recycling container. This helps keep boxes out of landfills and makes space in your recycling bin. If it does not fit, just place it next to the container.

  • Do not put cardboard in your trash pit/swale.
  • Cardboard in a trash pit is subject to a fine of up to $500.

Keep a Lid on It

Coral Gables residential properties are limited to a maximum of two 30-gallon garbage containers. Unauthorized garbage containers, such as Miami-Dade County or Waste Management containers, will not be serviced. After issuing a warning, a citation of $100 will be issued. Additional tickets will double fines up to $500 per violation.

All garbage cans must:
  • Be galvanized metal or plastic.
  • Be sold as a garbage can.
  • Hold between 10 and 30 gallons.
  • Be fully closed with lids securely placed.
  • Be placed on the side of the home and not visible from the street.