Signage Regulations Reminder

The City of Coral Gables has regulations that promote safety by avoiding visual clutter & traffic distractions while recognizing your First Amendment rights. The unabridged regulations are outlined in our Zoning Code in Section 11-109.

The following is an excerpt of the most relevant code section:

A. Temporary signs displaying only a noncommercial message shall be permitted, subject to all of the following conditions:

  1. Except as provided in Section 11-109B. below, there shall be no more than one (1) temporary noncommercial sign per building, lot, and/or tenant space.
  2. No sign permitted under this Section shall exceed twenty (22) inches by twenty-eight (28) inches in size.
  3. Signs permitted under this Section shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from a public right-of-way.
  4. Signs permitted under this Section shall not be erected or placed closer than five (5) feet to the front and/or side property line, except that in cases where the main part of the building is less than five (5) feet from the front property line, signs permitted under this Section may be placed in or upon a front or side door, window, or wall of the building.
  5. Signs permitted under this Section shall be allowed for a period not to exceed one-hundred and twenty (120) days.

B. Bonus signs. A maximum of two (2) additional temporary signs displaying only a noncommercial message – making a total of three (3) such signs – shall be permitted per building, lot, and/or tenant space during the time period that begins no earlier than ninety (90) days prior to the date of any national, state, or local election and that ends within five (5) days after such an election, provided that such signs comply with all other applicable provisions in this Section.

Please keep in mind that these types of signs are not allowed to be placed on public right-of-way areas. Any signs placed on the city’s public right-of-way can be removed by the city.