The Public Works Department is a large, full service, multi-disciplinary organization providing a vast array of infrastructure services, including: sanitary sewers; storm water control systems; transportation improvements; right-of-way maintenance; facilities operations; fleet maintenance; landscaping and tree succession planning; and sustainable resource management. The department also provides various support services to all other city departments.
Solid Waste Division
The Solid Waste Division provides recycling, garbage, and yard waste pickups for approximately 11,000 single-family homes. The Division provides backyard recycling services once a week, backyard garbage services twice a week, and curbside trash collection once a week. Report a missed collection or request a special pick-up by using the Coral Gables app or report online. Have questions about your waste bill? See the Annual Waste Billing FAQ.
Greenspace Management Division
The Greenspace Management Division of Public Works staff consists of certified arborists, landscape architects, horticulturalists, and landscape professionals specifically trained in the management of the City of Coral Gables’ highly revered urban forest, public green areas and parks. The division manages staff and contracted workers who maintain over 40,000 trees in public right of way, and 380 green spaces in parks, road medians, and right of way areas. The professionals in the division also serve the community by assisting with development plan reviews, as well as tree removal and mitigation permits for private and public property.
Transportation Division
The Transportation Division is comprised of the city’s transportation planning and engineering sections who are responsible for the development and implementation of strategic and comprehensive, long-term multi-modal transportation plans for the City of Coral Gables.
Right-of-Way Maintenance & Enforcement Division
The Right-of-Way Maintenance Division provides essential services within the City’s right-of-way such as maintenance of streets, roadways, alleys, and waterways. Right-of-way services include street sweeping, pressure cleaning, graffiti removal, asphalt pothole repairs, sidewalk repairs, removal of debris and seaweed from navigable channels, and City-owned bridge maintenance. In addition, the Division supports with maintenance of traffic equipment for the City’s special events and in-house construction/maintenance projects.
Utilities Division
The Utilities Division are responsible for the city’s sanitary sewer system and stormwater drainage system management which includes sewer capacity, operation, and maintenance as well as state and county regulatory compliance. Through the city’s sanitary gravity wastewater collection system, the division manages a daily average of 3.5 million gallons of wastewater. Thirty-five (35) Sanitary Pump Stations service areas (basins), approximately 376,000 lineal feet (71 miles) of gravity sewer mains, and over 1,400 manholes. The city’s drainage system includes: two (2) storm pump stations, approx. 2,662 Inlets/catch basins/grates, 105,600 lineal feet (20 miles) of pipes/culverts and 108 outfalls. The division’s operators and technicians receive and resolve resident’s emergency calls 24x7 (e.g. line obstructions, sewer back-ups, storm/flooding, etc.).
Capital Improvement Division
The Capital Improvement (CIP) Division provides managerial functions in the development of the city’s infrastructure projects. The division is responsible for developing and revising comprehensive capital improvement projects, implementing short-and-long-range programs, coordinating projects with other city departments, contractors, government agencies, outside agencies and the public as required, and assuring projects are completed in compliance with codes, specifications and standards.
Engineering Division
The Engineering Division is comprised of the Permit Section and Construction Management/Survey Section. The permit section staff consists of the City Engineer and Permit Section Manager, permit section engineers, and construction inspectors. The construction management/survey section staff consists of construction managers, surveyors and CAD engineer. The permit section is responsible for reviewing permits and overseeing inspections of all construction activities along the public right-of-way.
Central Administrative Division
The Central Administrative Division receives and handles all customer service-related requests. The division routes requests to the proper divisions within the Public Works Department and/or other City departments, municipalities and agencies. Requests are documented through the Citizen Request Center for proper follow-up and future reference. The Central Administrative Division is the bridge between the multiple divisions and supports in consolidating all operations for uniformity.
Fleet Management Division
The Fleet Management Division is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of all city vehicles and heavy equipment. In addition, the division provides fueling services to the city’s fleet.
Who we are

Hermes Diaz
Public Works Director · Public Works