The Human Resources and Risk Management Department aspires to be the model for excellence and leadership in human resources and risk management, delivering strategic and progressive human resource solutions and counsel that support and enable the city’s mission and strategy and mitigate the city’s exposure to risk wherever possible. We are committed to providing a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and belonging environment for the city where all employees and prospective employees experience fairness, dignity, and respect.

Self-Service Portal
Service for employees to access information on record, payroll information, and time sheets
Self-Service Portal
- Title VI / Non-Discrimination Program Plan (LAP Certification)
- General Non-Discrimination Policy
- Discrimination Grievance Form (English & Spanish)
- Disability Non-Discrimination Policy
- Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (English)
- Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (Spanish)
- Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (Cardboard Boxes)
- Disability Discrimination Grievance Form (English)
- Disability Discrimination Grievance Form (Spanish)
- ADA Transition Plan - December 2017
- ADA Transition Plan - Update July 2019
- Title VI Program Plan for Trolley Services
Who we are

Raquel Elejabarrieta
Department Director · Human Resources