Heat Exposure Recommendations

Given the National Weather Service’s recent record-breaking heat predictions for South Florida, the City of Coral Gables encourages practicing heat safety to curb the effects of dangerous heat exposure.

  • Limit outdoor activity during peak sunlight hours. Schedule strenuous outdoor work during the coolest hours of the day, either in the morning or in the evening.
  • Drink water consistently throughout the day and avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can lead to dehydration.
  • Stay cool. Spending time in air-conditioned spaces during hot weather is recommended. Instead of outdoor activities during peak sunlight hours, try spending time at public facilities such as the Coral Gables Library, the Coral Gables Museum, and the Venetian Pool.
  • Dress appropriately. Lightweight clothing in light colors made of breathable materials such as cotton are great at keeping your body cool. 
  • Protect your body by wearing SPF, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes during sustained heat exposure. SPF should be reapplied regularly.
  • Consider vulnerable populations. Children, the elderly, those with chronic medical conditions, and outdoor workers are all at higher risk of harmful heat exposure. Never leave children or seniors locked in a car, even for a few minutes. Those with chronic medical conditions should consult their medical professionals about ways they can curb the effects of heat exposure during these summer months.

Protect Your Pets

As with humans, pets are susceptible to heat exposure-related risks.

  • Keep them hydrated. Ensure constant access to clean water at all times. Placing multiple water bowls around your home guarantees your pet is never in short supply of water.
  • Keep them cool. Regular grooming and access to cooling options prevents overheating in pets. Fans, cooling mats, and frozen treats are fun and considerate ways to keep your pets cool.
  • Protect their paws. In hot weather, the temperature of the pavement you and your pets walk on can reach dangerously high temperatures. Avoid activity during high sunlight hours and stick to grassy areas to prevent burning. 
  • Never leave pets in cars. The temperature in a parked car can quickly rise to dangerous levels, putting your pets at risk if they are locked inside even for just a few minutes. 
  • Note the difference. The risk of heat exposure faced by each pet is individual to their breed, age, and health condition. Be aware of your individual pet’s susceptibility and act accordingly.