Court Reservations & Program Registration
Reserve a court at either Biltmore or Salvadore Tennis Center, or reserve your place on one of our tennis programs.
Reserve NowTennis Centers
The City of Coral Gables offers four Tennis Centers including the private Riviera Country Club Tennis courts, more information on the private club and membership can be found here. For Biltmore & Salvadore tennis centers, the City of Coral Gables uses the RecTrac Courts Reservation system, please see our RecTrac FAQ page on this for more information or contact tennisinfo@coralgables.com.
Tennis Programs
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7 & Under Red Ball Tennis Clinic
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Monday & Wednesday 4 - 5 p.m.
7 & Under Session 1: 08/21/2023 -10/04/2023
7 & Under Session 2: 10/16/2023 -11/29/2023
This class introduces your child to tennis using the USTA 7 & Under Tennis Method, which focuses on skill development, improving racquet skills, hand-eye coordination, balance and movement. A 36 foot court and games to develop skills, modified scoring, rallying, and larger red decompressed balls are used. Racquets between 19”-23” inches are required. Goals are set for players to have fun and enjoy the experience of learning the game of tennis by using correctly sized equipment and courts.
7 & Under Red Ball Saturday Tennis Clinic
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Saturdays 9 - 10 a.m.
7 & Under Sat. Session 1: 08/26/2023 -10/07/2023
7 & Under Sat. Session 2: 10/21/2023 -12/02/2023
This class introduces your child to tennis using the USTA 7 & Under Tennis Method, which focuses on skill development, improving racquet skills, hand-eye coordination, balance and movement. A 36 foot court and games to develop skills, modified scoring, rallying, and larger red decompressed balls are used. Racquets between 19”-23” inches are required. Goals are set for players to have fun and enjoy the experience of learning the game of tennis by using correctly sized equipment and courts.
10 & Under Orange Ball
Ages: 8-10
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Mondays & Wednesdays 4 - 5 p.m.
10 & Under Session 1: 08/21/2023 - 10/04/2023
10 & Under Session 2: 10/16/2023 -11/29/2023
This class introduces your child to tennis using the USTA 10 & Under Tennis Method, which focuses on skill development, rallying, developing core strokes, and improving their ability to play games or sets with a modified scoring format. A 60 foot court is used along with low-compression orange balls to maximize their learning experiences. Racquets between 25”-27” inches are required. Goals are for players to continue development of their tennis skills while understanding court positioning and basic strategy. Program coordinators will encourage participants to play on our team in the USTA's Junior Team Tennis League.
10 & Under Orange Ball - Stage 1 Saturday
Ages: 8-10
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Saturday 9 - 10 a.m.
10 & Under Sat. Session 1: 08/26/2023 -10/07/2023
10 & Under Sat. Session 2: 10/21/2023 -12/02/2023
This class introduces your child to tennis using the USTA 10 & Under Tennis Method, which focuses on skill development, rallying, developing core strokes, and improving their ability to play games or sets with a modified scoring format. A 60 foot court is used along with low-compression orange balls to maximize their learning experiences. Racquets between 25”-27” inches are required. Goals are for players to continue development of their tennis skills while understanding court positioning and basic strategy. Program coordinators will encourage participants to play on our team in the USTA's Junior Team Tennis League.
Junior Varsity/Varsity Saturdays
Ages: 11-18
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Saturday 10 - 11:30 a.m.
JV/Varsity Sat. Session 1: 08/26/2023 -10/07/2023
JV/Varsity Sat. Session 2: 10/21/2023 -12/02/2023
This program is for students who aspire to play on their high school team. Some players may play the occasional USTA L7 or L6 tournament but are not on a competitive track full time. Classes will cover shot placement, strategy, stroke development, and point play. Participants must bring racquets and proper tennis shoes.
Adult Beginner Tennis Clinic
Ages: 18+
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Thursdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Beg. Tennis Session 1: 08/24/2023 -10/05/2023
Beg. Tennis Session 2: 10/19/2023 -11/30/2023
This program is for the beginner to advanced beginner level adult wanting to learn the fundamentals of the game. The clinic will cover court positioning, stroke production, movement, shot placement and games.
Adult Intermediate Tennis Clinic
Ages: 18+
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Thursdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Interm. Tennis Session 1: 08/22/2023 -10/03/2023
Interm. Tennis Session 2: 10/17/2023 -11/28/2023
This program is for the intermediate level adult rated 2.5 to 3.0 in the USTA's NTRP rating system. Participants will do drills and play games designed to improve their shot placement and court positioning skills while incorporating a variety of tactics and strategies.
Adult Advanced Tennis Clinic
Ages: 18+
Where: Salvadore Park Tennis Center
When: Mondays, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Adv. Tennis Enroll By Session: 08/21/2023 -11/27/2023
Adv. Tennis Session 1:08/21/2023 -10/02/2023
Adv. Tennis Session 2:10/16/2023 -11/27/2023
This co-ed program is for students who have a solid USTA NTRP rating of 3.5 or better. Women in this program typically have a rating of 4.0 or higher. Men in this program are typically rated 3.5 or higher. Classes will cover shot placement, strategy, stroke development, and point play. Proper tennis shoes are required. Participants must be approved by the program coordinator or have participated in the program previously.
Click here to learn more about playing pickleball in Coral Gables. Pickleball courts are available at the Adult Activity Center, the War Memorial Youth Center, and Salvadore Park Tennis Center.