CodeMania! III

What is CodeMania?

The City of Coral Gables, in partnership with the University of Miami and Microsoft, is excited for the return of the hackathon event CodeManiaCodeMania is a 3-week competitive, hands-on learning experience for high school students to learn how to build and present a solution using Microsoft to solve real-world problems. Together with your team you will plan, create, and present a public-facing digital experience that can help the City of Coral Gables improve the lives of its residents and visitors. This competition is completely free. 

Whether you are a coder- or app developer-in-training, get ready to gain valuable and marketable skills. Go as out-of-the-box or custom as you like but remember to keep your end goal in mind! Not a coder? Never fear! We want to help bring your ideas to life and will teach you what you need to know to get started with your build. Remember, this is a team effort. All teams must be two to five students and have an official sponsor from their high school. Teams are required not only to create a proof of concept but also to present the solution and connect it back to the real-world problem you are attempting to solve. 

Students will have the opportunity to attend virtual office hours to receive guidance and support with their projects. The only in-person requirement is on Competition Day – March 7, 2025, after school hours and parents/guardians are invited!

Assemble a team and compete

  • Two to five students from each high school.
  • All teams must have an adult sponsor.
  • Teams must commit to participating in the three-week competition from start to finish.

The timeline

Registration for this event is full. Once registered, each team will receive additional information and resources to help prepare for the event.

You will have two weeks to build your solution. Get stuck or need some guidance? We will be hosting office hours during week two with mentors and experienced Salesforce administrators to help you on your way. Each team must submit an abstract of their solution and their final project submissions.

The kickoff event will be Feb. 19. During this meeting we will explain the prompt of the competition, go over office hours, and introduce key individuals. 

Teams will participate in an in-person event at the University of Miami on March 7 where they will present solutions and a panel of judges will select CodeMania winners. After the judges convene, we will have an awards ceremony and celebration.

CodeMania challenges to be announced!